

GTC provides high quality project management services include:

Event Management

Virtual meetings are very easy nowadays. However, can virtual contact replace physical human interaction, especially when you want to build a trustful and long-term relationship?

Through events, you can consolidate your relationship with existing clients while create a platform to meet new clients.  We understand your concerns and we provide high quality tailor-made events to achieve your objectives.  From planning to execution, we develop event themes and speaker topics by inviting professionals, experts and academia from different fields to bring new knowledge to your events.

Publication of Books

We all have a story to tell.  How about telling your own story to communicate with your clients?

Publication is an effective marketing tool to sustain and to build your client base; to communicate with your existing clients and also to reach your potential clients at the same time.  We identify talking points, put your ideas into words and formulate marketing strategies on distribution. Simply tell us what your story is and GTC will offer all-rounded solutions for your upcoming publication.


Everyone wants to be influential. How can you effectively tell your stories to influence your target audience?

Bringing values to your audience is the key to success.  Whether you are sending messages on a leaflet, an article, a report or web content, we prepare accurate translation and insightful information to help you reaching your goal.

Invest in your marketing materials!  Your upcoming marketing materials will be carefully crafted by us.

Legal PR

We cannot avoid having ‘problems’ when you are running your business, especially when it is a growing one.  Most of the time, we need legal solutions to solve a problem but how about protecting your brand equity in facing legal challenges?

GTC helps you to identify issues, analyse contributing factors and formulate PR strategies related to your 'problem'.  We provide crisis management to protect your brand equity in legal litigations.  We offer unique public relations advise to ensure high quality results.  We are your one-stop problem solver, your right answer.